Amsons Lavender Oil


Nourishing lavender oil for hair and skin. Soothes scalp, promotes hair growth, and enhances skin complexion. Relaxing aroma perfect for self-care and beauty rituals.


This versatile oil soothes the scalp, stimulates hair growth, and enhances skin complexion. Its relaxing aroma makes it ideal for self-care and beauty rituals. Nourish your hair and revitalize your skin with the natural benefits of lavender oil. Embrace the calming properties as it helps reduce stress and promotes a sense of tranquility. Incorporate this all-natural elixir into your daily routine for a soothing and aromatic experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Discover the power of lavender oil and unlock the secrets of radiant hair and glowing skin.


Additional information

Weight 0.055 kg
Dimensions 2 × 1 × 8 cm

15 ml


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