Daughter Gift Card


Teal gift card for daughters, showcasing “You’re so wonderful, kind-hearted, loving, caring, lovely, and cheerful” in varied fonts. Interior space awaits your personalized message.


Dive into our elegant teal-colored gift card, crafted specially for daughters. The front radiates affection with its heartfelt message: “You’re so wonderful, kind-hearted, loving, caring, lovely, and cheerful.” Each sentiment, expressed in a unique font, exudes a playful yet meaningful design. Beyond this captivating exterior lies an intimate space inside, thoughtfully provided for personal sentiments. Whether it’s a birthday, an achievement, or just a spontaneous gesture, this card is the perfect medium to convey your deep love and admiration. A blend of thoughtful design and emotional resonance, it’s the ultimate choice for parents desiring to celebrate their daughter’s incredible essence. Celebrate your bond and make her day special.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg
Dimensions 10 × 1 × 15 cm


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