Elegant Womens Gift Basket


This stunning gift hamper includes our moisturizing cream, rose water, Rosso Ward perfume, a tasbih, mini Quran set, hair serum, and hair brush, all beautifully presented in a new wood-effect hamper. It’s the perfect gift for daily essentials.


This stunning gift hamper is thoughtfully curated to include all your daily essentials. It features our very own moisturizing cream and rose water for skincare, the exquisite Rosso Ward perfume, and a tasbih for spiritual moments. Also included are a mini Quran set, a nourishing hair serum, and a hair brush, all beautifully presented in a new wood-effect hamper. This elegant collection is perfect for gifting, offering a blend of beauty, care, and spirituality. Whether for a special occasion or just to show appreciation, this hamper provides a luxurious and practical assortment of daily essentials.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 2 × 28 cm


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