
Explore the significance of marriage in Islam, a major Sunnah of the Prophets, fostering a unique bond of companionship and love for the sake of Allah.


Marriage holds immense importance in Islam, following the major Sunnah of the Prophets, including our beloved Messenger. It establishes a special bond of companionship and love between a couple, all for the sake of Allah. This divine institution allows men and women to share intimate companionship within the bounds of Islamic principles, promoting harmony, mutual support, and the fulfillment of religious duties.

As a cornerstone of Islamic society, marriage is not merely a contract but a sacred commitment that carries profound spiritual and social significance. It is a union celebrated for its ability to strengthen faith, promote family values, and foster a loving partnership guided by the teachings of Allah.

Additional information

Weight 0.17 kg
Dimensions 15 × 1 × 21 cm



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