
Milano Hijab 16

Original price was: £8.95.Current price is: £6.95.

Our soft touch scarf is the perfect modest accessory to complement any abbaya or kimono. It emphasizes the importance of modesty while adding elegance and comfort to your outfit.

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Our soft touch scarf stands as a symbol of the enduring importance of modesty. Designed to be the ideal combination with abbayas and kimonos, it offers a graceful way to cover while still exuding style and comfort. Modesty is not just a fashion statement, but a cultural and personal choice, and our scarf honors that choice.

It allows individuals to express their faith and values with dignity. The soft touch of this accessory reminds us that modesty need not compromise comfort or elegance. It’s a testament to the enduring appeal of dressing modestly in an ever-changing world.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 10 × 1 × 10 cm


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