My First Library Of Islamic Books Gift Box (Five Hard Bound Books)


A curated gift box with five enriching Islamic books for children, spanning tales of Prophets, Quranic stories, and Islamic teachings. A treasure for families to explore faith together.


This thoughtfully assembled gift box is an ideal present for children and a valuable addition for the entire family. It contains a selection of five meticulously crafted books: “Tell Me About the Prophet Muhammad” offers insights into the Prophet’s life, “The Greatest Stories from the Quran” brings forth timeless tales, “The Junior Encyclopaedia of Islam” provides a comprehensive introduction to Islamic teachings, “Parent’s Love and Islamic Stories” emphasizes familial values in Islam, and “The Story of the Prophet Yusuf” narrates one of the most captivating stories of perseverance.

Together, they offer a perfect blend of knowledge, inspiration, and storytelling for young believers.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 20 cm


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