Platinum Quran Gift Set Silver and Grey


Unveil elegance with our stunning gift box—a small Holy Quran adorned in silver and grey a fragrant attar, and a prayer mat. Artfully packaged for gifting and storage.


Discover sophistication in our exquisite gift box featuring a small Holy Quran adorned with the silver and grey theme, a fragrant attar, and a prayer mat. Artfully packaged, this ensemble is ideal for both gifting and storage, promising a blend of aesthetic allure and spiritual significance. Elevate your gifting experience with this thoughtfully curated collection that encapsulates elegance and divine inspiration. Immerse yourself in the beauty of sacred traditions, celebrating the timeless connection between spirituality and refined aesthetics. Perfect for those special occasions or as a meaningful gesture for your loved ones, this box transcends the ordinary, offering a unique blend of tangible beauty and spiritual essence.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 30 × 5 × 15 cm


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