Sister Card


Soft pink card designed for sisters, featuring the message “You’re so sweet, pretty, intelligent, witty, cute, and lovely” on the front. Interior provides space for a personalized, loving note.


Cherish your sister with our soft pink card, tailored just for her. The front captures heartfelt sentiments: “You’re so sweet, pretty, intelligent, witty, cute, and lovely.” Designed to evoke warmth and appreciation, its interior is dedicated for your personalized message, celebrating sisterly love and bond. Perfect for birthdays, special occasions, or just because. This card is an embodiment of affection, making it an ideal choice for those wanting to convey their deep admiration for their sibling. Let her know how much she means to you with this beautifully crafted card that combines thoughtful design and emotional resonance. A keepsake she’ll treasure.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg
Dimensions 10 × 1 × 15 cm


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