Tajweed Rules Of The Quran Part 1


“Tajweed Rules of the Quran Part 1” by Kareema Czerepinski details articulation points, rules of noon saakinah, meem saakinah, and lam saakinah, lengthenings (mudood), and qalqalah. Arabic terms are integrated into English explanations, with an introduction by Dr. Ayman Rushadi Swayd.

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“Tajweed Rules of the Quran Part 1” by Kareema Czerepinski is a comprehensive guide to the foundational aspects of Tajweed. It covers the articulation points of Arabic letters, the rules of noon saakinah, meem saakinah, and lam saakinah, as well as the different types of lengthenings (mudood). The formation of voweled and non-voweled letters and the qalqalah mechanism are also explained in detail. Arabic terms are introduced and translated into English, with explanations provided in English while integrating Arabic terms as they are learned. The book includes an introduction by Ash-Sheikh Dr. Ayman Rushadi Swayd, making it an essential resource for those seeking to understand and apply the rules of Tajweed.

Additional information

Weight 0.290 kg
Dimensions 12 × 1 × 28 cm


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