Beautiful Baby Girl Card


Celebrate the arrival of a baby girl with our heartwarming card. A large pink heart surrounded by smaller hearts, adorned with “Baby Girl” and “Mashallah” in the center. Perfect for sharing joy with family and friends.


Welcome the precious baby girl into the world with our heartwarming card. In the center, a large pink heart is encircled by smaller hearts, and it proudly displays “Baby Girl” and “Mashallah.” This card is the perfect way to share your joy with family and friends as you celebrate this beautiful new addition to your life. It conveys your warm wishes and blessings, making it a thoughtful and heartwarming gesture to mark this special occasion. Whether it’s for a family member, friend, or loved one, this card beautifully expresses your happiness and excitement as you welcome the newest member of the family.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 5 × 1 × 8 cm


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