Colour and Learn the 99 Names of Allah


This beautiful booklet helps young children learn and remember the 99 names of Allah through coloring. Designed to inspire and engage, it allows kids to choose their favorite colors, making the learning process both fun and memorable.


This beautifully designed booklet is perfect for young children to learn and remember the 99 names of Allah through coloring. Each page features one of Allah’s names accompanied by intricate designs that children can color in with their favorite hues. This interactive approach not only makes learning enjoyable but also helps kids retain the names by associating them with their chosen colors. The booklet aims to inspire a deeper connection and understanding of the divine names, fostering both creativity and spirituality. Ideal for parents and educators seeking an engaging, educational, and spiritual activity for children.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg
Dimensions 28 × 1 × 21 cm


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