I Love Arabic Alphabet


Excite your child with this colorful alphabet book featuring bold illustrations and simple Quranic words. It fosters early recognition and love of Arabic letters and words, building a lifelong spiritual connection. Convenient handle for easy portability.


Get your child excited about learning with this colorful and charming alphabet book, featuring bold, friendly illustrations and carefully selected simple words mostly from the Quran. This book provides an early start in recognizing and loving Arabic letters and words, helping to build a strong spiritual connection that will last a lifetime. The convenient handle makes it easy to carry, ensuring that your child can enjoy learning wherever you go. Designed to be both educational and fun, this book is an excellent resource for parents who want to introduce their children to the beauty of the Arabic language and the teachings of the Quran from a young age.

Additional information

Weight 0.240 kg
Dimensions 10 × 2 × 14 cm


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