Marriage Gift Hamper


Celebrate marriage with our exquisite wedding gift hamper. Featuring a detailed tasbih, his and hers perfumes, an Islamic marriage guide, and a lightweight cream prayer mat—a thoughtful blend of tradition and contemporary elegance.


Cherish the joy of marriage with our thoughtful wedding gift hamper. Delight your loved ones with a detailed tasbih, complemented by meticulously crafted men’s and women’s perfumes. Enhance the journey of marital bliss with an Islamic marriage guide, thoughtfully curated to address modern issues while honoring timeless teachings. Complete the experience with a lovely lightweight cream prayer mat, offering a touch of serenity to daily prayers. This hamper is a perfect expression of love and support, combining tradition and modernity to create a meaningful and memorable gift for those who have embarked on the beautiful journey of marriage.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 28 × 11 × 50 cm


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