Mukhallath Seufi


Al Haramain Mukhallath Seufi 6ml offers a well-balanced perfume with a great scent, catering to the needs of users seeking more than the ordinary. A perfect fragrance that embodies sophistication and elevates the olfactory experience.

Capacity = 6ml


Discover the perfection of Al Haramain Mukhallath Seufi 6ml, a well-balanced perfume with a great scent that transcends the ordinary. Crafted for users with elevated tastes, this fragrance embodies sophistication and excellence. The 6ml bottle is a perfect companion for those who desire more from their perfume experience. Whether for special occasions or everyday wear, Mukhallath Seufi is designed to meet the diverse needs of users, offering a unique and captivating scent. Elevate your fragrance game with this exquisite blend that brings together the finest elements to create a truly exceptional olfactory journey, leaving a lasting impression of elegance and luxury.

Additional information

Weight 0.410 kg
Dimensions 8 × 2 × 8 cm


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