Prophet Of Mercy


“Muhammad, Messenger of Allah” is the first English translation of Qadi Iyad’s ash-Shifa, offering comprehensive Quranic references, commentary, and details about the Prophet’s qualities, the salafi community’s interactions, and the rights due to him.


This book is an English translation of Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi’s as-Sirat an-Nabawiyyah, originally written in Arabic and titled after its Urdu translation. The author addresses the mindset and sensibilities of the current generation, incorporating modern research methods to enhance its effectiveness. By consulting both old and contemporary literature, Nadwi ensures the book is comprehensive and clarifies modern confusions about Islamic history. Acclaimed and included in university syllabi, this book is now available in English for a wider audience. Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi, a prominent Islamic thinker and scholar from India, was known for his empathy and representation of Islamic thought through his writings and speeches.


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