The Final Prophet: Proofs for the Prophet hood of Muhammad


Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy’s book offers comprehensive proofs of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ prophethood, presenting six powerful arguments, over 30 fulfilled prophecies, and logical explanations to effectively convey Islam’s message.


Fourteen centuries ago, the final revelation of God descended upon Muhammad ﷺ, spreading rapidly across Arabia and the world. Today, nearly two billion people follow this message. Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy’s book delves into the multitude of proofs surrounding Muhammad’s ﷺ prophethood, presenting abundant, comprehensive, and rational pathways that affirm he was indeed the final messenger of God. The book details six powerful ways to prove his prophethood, over 30 fulfilled prophecies, and provides detailed logical and rational arguments for presenting Islam’s message. This work serves as a robust resource for anyone seeking to understand or convey the certainty of Muhammad’s ﷺ role as the final messenger.

Additional information

Weight 0.240 kg
Dimensions 10 × 2 × 15 cm


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