Haramain Amber Oud Carbon Edition


A homage to nature with herbal notes of lavender and rosemary, blending into sage and cedarwood. A scent of authenticity and determination rooted in elegance.

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“Celebrate your authentic journey with Amber Oud Carbon Edition, a fragrance embodying elegance perfected over decades. Crafted for the driven soul, its aromatic opening features nature’s best – bergamot, lavender, and rosemary, honoring Earth’s finest perfume maker: Mother Nature.

As the fragrance unfurls, middle notes of geranium, sage, and a hint of marine accord whisk you away, reminding you of the timelessness of nature’s beauty. The base of moss, cedarwood, vetiver, and amber grounds this exquisite scent, reiterating that true elegance comes from staying connected to one’s roots. Every whiff is a testament to your lifestyle of relentless pursuit and inherent grace.”

Additional information

Weight 0.445 kg
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 15 cm

100 ml


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